
Photo credit: Janell Strouse, OSU ASC

Bear F. Braumoeller (Ph.D., University of Michigan) is Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Political Science. He previously held faculty positions at Harvard University and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is or has been on the Editorial Boards of five major journals or series, and he is a past Councilor of the Peace Science Society. In the summer of 2016 he was a Visiting Fellow at the Nobel Institute in Oslo, Norway.

Professor Braumoeller’s research is in the areas of international relations, especially international security, and statistical methodology. His current research focus is on the relationship between international order and international conflict. His substantive research includes an original, book-length systemic theory of international relations, The Great Powers and the International System (Cambridge University Press; winner of the 2014 International Studies Association Best Book Award and the 2014 J. David Singer Book Award) as well as various works on international conflict, the history of American isolationism, and the problem of so-called “politically irrelevant dyads.” He is currently finishing a book on the decline-of-war thesis entitled Only the Dead: The Persistence of War in the Modern Age (Oxford University Press, 2019).

His primary statistical research revolves around causal inference with observational data and statistical models of complexity. In the latter vein, he has also written on the testing of asymmetric hypothesis, the methodologies of necessary conditions and qualitative comparative analysis (QCA), the study of variance-altering causes, and the use and abuse of multiplicative interaction terms. He has also created a course titled “Data Literacy and Data Visualization” that has reached a wide online audience via iTunes U.

For a current copy of his full c.v., click here, or click here for a one-page version.